Were am I?

Welcome to a personal website! This page allows me complete freedom and control over what I want to put on the Internet, faraway from the eyes of big corporations that wish to feed me to the machine so that my soul may work to enslave others :)

Personal websites are what the Internet was built on. I'm using Neocities' services, which offers free web hosting, like AngelFire and Geocities used to, in the 90s. Anyone can create their own little corner of the Internet through them, and I see no reason as to why you shouldn't give it a go yourself. You can share the link with your peers, keep it to yourself, nerd out to your heart's content on as many different niche subjects as you'd like, keep a personal blog, or use it as a portfolio, like I do. You can do everything at once, no one will tell you it'll ruin your engagement.

Although they are hard to access through the usual web-surfing means nowadays, there is no shortage of personal pages out there. I suggest you visit other neocities sites or use Wiby instead of your usual search engine, and let it surprise you (it's a bit hard to get predictable outcomes from it, but you can be sure any page you click on will have been organic-brain written). If you'd prefer, you could also click on random old gifs and find out where they come from. A lot of those sites are part of web-rings, which are the easiest way to fall down a rabbit-hole of similarly-themed pages.

Drag-and-drop may be easy, but turning every detail of your own website into a mindful decision is, for some us of, more interesting enough to be worth the effort. In fact, learning a new skill is a huge part of the fun of having your own webpage. I sure love to feel competent! There is endless coding educational material out there, and looking up anything you're trying to do + "html" or "CSS" is bound to give you more than one solution to any problem. A great way to learn is to do a little right click + "view page source" on a page you like, and read through its code to learn how it's been constructed. I've been taking the approach of starting with barebones html, and working my way up aesthetically as I gather more coding knowledge and realize more possibilites.

(I know, this still looks very barebones... but trust me, it could be a lot less formatted and still be fully functional ! --for those willing to put up with that.)

Hope you have fun digging through the human web!